Specialist Adult Orthodontics
At Embrace you can expect quite a lengthy process of clinical assessment and discussion before you receive a careful recommendation for orthodontic treatment.
Our specialist orthodontists ensure you receive a gold standard outcome, perfectly straight teeth that also function correctly. Our approach guarantees predictably perfect results.
We feel that selecting your dental professional is an important stage of your orthodontic treatment. The British Orthodontic Society and Oral Health Foundation have collaborated on http://www.safebrace.org ensuring that everyone considering orthodontic treatment can access helpful information.
It is important to choose a specialist orthodontist because orthodontic treatments are relatively lengthy and expensive and you’ll want to get yours right first time.
Specialist orthodontists are best qualified to handle teeth straightening because they have had to gain experience in all fields of dentistry before embarking on a minimum of three years of further training.
Experience helps them apply their evidence-based practice with ever greater success. Martin Rees and Justin Evans have been doing so since being accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons in 1997 and 1996 respectively.
So relax, you couldn’t be in better hands.